Tarian Pantry Kitchen Diary
Monday, December 20, 2010

Our greasy kebab

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Traditional Christmas - Well kind of
The Tarian team likes to think of us as anything but traditional but come the Christmas lunch, this is where a smidgen of tradition steps in. We believe in a hot lunch with all the trimmings, OK so they may be vegan trimmings but never the less, it’s our take on the ‘traditional’ Christmas meal.
Like every year, there are two meals cooked on Christmas day – one for the omnivores and the other for the vegans, vegetarians and lactose intolerant. Although like previous years, the omnivores end up eating most of our meal purely because it tastes so dam good and this year, won’t be any exception.
We are hard at work putting together our shopping list and even pre preparing some meals. By shopping & cooking ahead, this limits the stress come the big day and we can have more time to relax and soak up the festive atmosphere (not to mention the Adelaide Ashton Hills Salmon Brut).
Our meal planner is looking something like this:
Nibbles with drinks
- Hummus with black olive crostini
- Porcini mushroom balls
Starter (can’t decide which soup yet, so might end up doing both)
- Broccoli soup with sourdough croutons
- Tomato soup with basil and torn bread
Main course
- Asparagus Tart
- Quinoa salad with mango and cranberries
- Cabbage, pea and mint salad
- Creamy baked potatoes
- Brussels Sprouts with lemon and almonds
- Christmas ice cream pudding with a chocolate fudge sauce
- White Chocolate & berry rocky road
Prior to Christmas day, up to three days before, we will be making our hummus, crostini, soups, ice cream pudding and rocky road. A small amount of preparation will be done for the tart and salads with the assembly of the salads, tart and baked potatoes being done on the morning of Christmas day.
The Tarian Pantry team promotes a meat free Christmas. Even though meat & animal products may be missing from your plate, we can’t promise that you won’t be undoing your belt a notch after you finish your last mouthful!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Aubergine Bake

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The perfect brew.

Friday, November 26, 2010
Sunday - Spinach Pie

Saturday - Quinoa and tomato soup

Friday - Pizza

Thursday - Mexican nachos & rice

Wednesday - Dhal

Tuesday - Vietnamese Summer salad
Monday - Lentil and tomato pasta sauce

Sweet colours of Aubergine

Thursday, November 25, 2010
To fry or not to fry?

We say fry. Without the use of a deep fryer, this golden delicious tofu has donned our dinner plates many a evenings. Served with a sweet chilli sauce, this is one of Tarian's favourite simple yet delightful meals.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Zucchini and Beetroot Sandwich

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Ugly Duckling....

Monday, September 20, 2010
Making the traditional not so traditional!

Monday, September 13, 2010
Comfort Food

Thursday, September 9, 2010
All it takes is a few ingredients....

Here at Tarian Pantry, we rarely let our cupboards go bare and our fridge go empty however at this time, both cupboards and fridge are experiencing what we are calling ‘a Spring detox’.
With few ingredients to choose from, it was either dial for takeaway or make the best of the situation. We know that even with few ingredients to choose from, you can always create something delicious.
The ingredients that we had on hand were:
- Arborio rice
- Homemade tomato sauce
- Kalamata olives
- Dill & Parsley (fresh from the garden)
- Rocket
- Caramelised balsamic vinegar
These ingredients made an ideal risotto topped with rocket licked with caramelised balsamic vinegar. This meal took less than 3 minutes to prepare and around 20 minutes to cook, now that’s my kind of fast food!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Spring into....

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Vegetable Box of goodness

Friday, August 13, 2010
Imperfect is perfect

After adopting an organic lifestyle over 5 years ago, it soon became apparent that the produce I was purchasing did not look like that found in conventional supermarkets, featured on TV or pictured in magazines.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
What exactly is a healthy diet?

Provides our body with a wide variety of natural nutrients
Minimises our exposure to potentially hazardous substances
Includes food that is produced & grown using environmentally friendly and sustainable methods
Friday, July 23, 2010
A posy of spinach...

Some girls get flowers, me, well give me a posy of spinach any day!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Never too young....

We here at Tarian Pantry whole heartily promote growing your own vegetables or buying from your local produce market. You should be mindful about how far your produce has travelled, how old it is and its country of origin.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
San Choy Bow
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Sweet as Agave

Agave (pronounced ah-GAH-vay) is best recognized as the plant from which tequila is made however we at Tarian Pantry best know Agave as an ingredient in food.
The taste of agave nectar is comparable to honey and maple syrup. There are two types of agave: a light and a dark. The lighter syrups undergo less heating and a more thorough filtration to produce a more mildly flavored product and the darker syrups are filtered less, and the solids left in the syrup make for a stronger nectar.
Agave is an ideal substitute to cane sugar and is used here to marinate these Portobello mushrooms. Mixed 3 tbsp agave syrup with with 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 crushed garlic garlic, fresh chilies and thyme and oven roasted for 1 hour. The taste and texture is sweet but subtle, tender and truly delightful.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Roasting tomatoes - Now that's special

As posted on an recent update, making the most of 'quick sale' items from your organic grocer or convenience store can certainly work in your favour. Tomatoes during this time of year can be expensive, around $11.00 per kilo so if you see a quick sale bag half the price, snap them up and start roasting!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Pizza - Hold the cheese

Half the appeal of a pizza is the melted cheese that oozes the moment you pick up a piece however can all that cheese be good for your health? Cooking a pizza minus cheese can be just as satisfying, you just need the right toppings!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Not all sausages are made of meat.

I am the first to say, there are some bad vegan/vegetarian sausages on the market. After tasting a few of the brands available in our conventional supermarkets, I believe these products are what gives vegetarian food a bad name!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Vegetable burger & homemade chips

- Wholemeal sourdough roll
- Tomato relish
- Grated beetroot
- Grated carrot
- Broccoli sprouts
- Alfala sprouts
- Jalapeno Peppers
- Sliced tomato
- Mayonnaise
- Fresh salad leaves such as cos lettuce, rocket
Monday, June 21, 2010
Time Poor Pasta

Friday, June 18, 2010
Food Ideas - Cauliflower

There are more uses for cauliflower than just cooking it with cheese (vegan cheese of course)! Cauliflower really is such a versatile vegetable and plays a staring role come the cooler months.
Winter Salads

I know its cooler outside and our tastes buds are craving more warming foods such as potatoes, bread and soups however this salad is ideal for those evenings when you are craving something fulfilling and are time poor.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Vegan Sausage Rolls

This meal was prepared in under 10 minutes and on the table within 30. Ok so I cheated a little and used pre made puff pastry but every good cooks needs to cut corners every now and then!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Essentials for the fridge

At times we can become a little lazy in the kitchen but we must limit these moments as this can result in poor eating. Having a few pre prepared food items in your fridge will help you create tasty and nutritious meal in minutes not hours.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Vegetable Garden

There is nothing more satisfying than growing your own vegetables. On a recent trip to Adelaide, I had the pleasure of eating from my parents vegetable garden which they have had up and running for the past 6 months.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Caramalised Onion Jam

There is no need to buy a jar of caramalised onions again...this recipe is so easy.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Artichoke & Green Olive Pasta Salad

Discovering new products keeps innovative recipes & tastes evolving in your kitchen. Over the weekend on my gastronomic travels I discovered, Pukara Estate Artichoke & Green Olive Tapenade.
We had friends coming to dinner and time was of a premium so with a few moments thought, this recipe was created. The preparation and cooking of the meal took no more than 25 minutes.
1 x 500g Kamut Spiral Pasta
170g jar, Pukara Estate Artichoke & Green Olive Tapenade
3 tbsp Premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 head Broccoli florets, steamed
1 bunch Purple Kale, sliced roughly
1 onion, sliced finely
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 red chilli, diced
Pepper to taste
Cook the pasta according to the packet instructions, drain and set aside.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
New Discovery - Kamut

There is always something to learn about food, a new product, a new brand and most importantly, a new (or old) food that gets brought to your attention. Today I discovered Kamut pasta.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Fried Rice

2 tbsp tamari, 2 tbsp black bean sauce, 2 tsp sesame oil, pinch of raw sugar, 1 tbsp oil, 1 tsp minced ginger, 2 cloves garlic, chopped, ½ red chilli, finely chopped, 6 pieces puff tofu, sliced, 12 green beans, chopped .5cm thick, 2 corn cobs, corn sliced off cob, ½ cup carrot, grated, 2 spring onions, finely diced, 2 cups Jasmin Rice (cooked)
In a small bowl, combine the tamari, black bean sauce, sesame oil, vinegar and sugar.
Heat oil in a large wok and stir-fry ginger, garlic and chilli. Add the green beans, spring onions, corn, tofu and carrot and cook for 3 mintues. Add the rice and sauce mixture and combine.
Stir-fry until hot and serve.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Hot Tomato