Tarian Pantry Kitchen Diary

Our focus is on growing, purchasing and cooking with good plant based foods. Food and cooking doesn't need to be complex. It's about enjoying the simplicity that nature has to offer and reminding you not to loose sight of where food comes from.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Never too young....

We here at Tarian Pantry whole heartily promote growing your own vegetables or buying from your local produce market. You should be mindful about how far your produce has travelled, how old it is and its country of origin.

Buying Australian, buying local and buying organic will ensure you are supporting our farmers and consuming the freshest produce, with the highest nutritional value.

Tarian's resident gardener recently told me that a child had said that 'he couldn't believe you could do that' meaning...he couldn't believe you could eat vegetables from the garden.

A child shouldn't be surprised about where food comes from. We need to ensure we educate our kids from the ground up, not the supermarket up! From small things big things grow, so start planning and planting out your vege-tarian garden now.

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