Tarian Pantry Kitchen Diary

Our focus is on growing, purchasing and cooking with good plant based foods. Food and cooking doesn't need to be complex. It's about enjoying the simplicity that nature has to offer and reminding you not to loose sight of where food comes from.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Farmers Market - St Kilda

It's almost Saturday (how funny as I write this Elton John is playing in the back ground singing Saturday) sorry bit off track there but that was worth noting, a strange moment indeed. Now where were we? Yes its almost Saturday which means, the Farmers Markets are on again.

This week, our dedicated farmers set up stalls at the Peanut Farm Reserve, Chaucer Street, St Kilda. The farmers will be there rain, hail or shine from 8:30am - 1:00pm. As we are now officially in Autumn, we are seeing the last of the tomatoes, corn, garlic, stonefruit, cucumbers and berries. And saying a chilly hello to fennel, citrus, quinces, persimmons, rhubarb, pumpkins, nuts, wild mushrooms, apples and pears.

Remember to bring your recycled bags and an appetite for good honest food. See you there, I will be the one with many followers - carrying all my bags of produce ofcourse!!

Tarian Pantry - Encouraging produce buying through local farmers markets.

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