Tarian Pantry Kitchen Diary

Our focus is on growing, purchasing and cooking with good plant based foods. Food and cooking doesn't need to be complex. It's about enjoying the simplicity that nature has to offer and reminding you not to loose sight of where food comes from.

Monday, April 11, 2011

An apple a day keeps the doctor away...

Well if I were to consume 4kg what would that do? It is recommended that we consume at least 2 serves of fruit a day as part of a balanced diet. Fruit is the ideal 'fast food'. It comes in all flavours, shapes and sizes and even comes in their very own recyclable packaging!

Whether you consume fruit on its own, cut up on top of your breakfast muesli, blended in your favourite smoothie or juiced; ensure you consume the recommended daily amount.

We purchased this 'orchard' of apples from the farmers markets on Saturday for $4 - yes you read right, organic juicing apples for $4. OK so there were a few bruises and marks but the juicer wasn't going to reject them because of a few imperfections! We blended the 4kg of apples with ginger to make a refreshing breakfast beverage.

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