We're nuts about nuts and having purchased freshly picked walnuts from the Abbotsford Convent markets on Saturday it confirmed once again, our love of all things that fall from a tree.
OK so the thought of having to crack the nuts yourself can seem a little tedious but armed with the right tools, its a task the whole family can partake in. We found the cracking 500gms of walnuts quite relaxing, there was something a little hypnotic about cracking one nut after the other.
The end result was ofcourse the most satisfying - we cracked ourselves just over 200gms of fresh walnut 'meat'. The flavour, well this is the type of taste that will have you buying shelled walnuts from here on, there really isn't anything like it.
The 'flesh' was white like snow and the flavour, now that's how walnuts should taste. Eaten raw, divine but eaten roasted in agave syrup and sea salt, out of this world!
So the next time you are out and about at the farmers market, look out for the stall selling bags of walnuts. If you are in Melbourne, look out for Alpine Nuts.
Tarian Pantry. Nuts about food.